Feeding The Poor: Christianity Or Socialism?

I saw this Facebook post on my news feed the other day:

“Why, when Jesus talks about feeding the poor, it’s Christianity, but when a politician does it, it’s Socialism?”

This, in my view, is similar to saying the following phrases:

  • “Why, when Jesus talks about following Him, it’s Christianity, but when a politician does it, it’s Religious Extremism?”

  • “Why, when Jesus talks about giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s, it’s Christianity, but when a politician does it, it’s Extortion?”

  • “Why, when Jesus talks about turning the other cheek, it’s Christianity, but when a politician does it, it’s Corruption?”

Hopefully we can look at all these phrases and detect the logical fallacies here.

Yes, Jesus talks about following Him as a Christian, giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s, turning the other cheek when mistreated, AND feeding the poor. As a Christian, I believe it my duty to obey Jesus’ commands – all of them.

However, invoking “a politician” to do these commands and assuming that it’s also government’s responsibility to do them gets us into some very complex situations. Let’s explore some of these:

1. Christianity & Human Governance Are Not The Same Things.

Yes, Israel was a special case in the history of human nations because it was directly ruled (at least for a time) by prophets claiming to be God’s human authority to the people. It also had a high priest who was supposed to intercede on the people’s behalf to God.

However, as Christians we believe that we are living in an Age of Grace before Jesus’ 2nd coming, when He returns to rule the nations.

Until that time, human governance cannot possibly live up to Jesus’ perfect rule (after all, He is God and we are not)!

Does that mean we should just throw up our hands in horror and not even try to have good governance? Definitely not.

But it does mean we don’t expect all human governments to follow (and enforce) Christian principles in the same way Christians do.

(Just like we don’t expect all people to become Christians!)

We strive to live in such a way that people will want to become Christians by our own example, but we also accept that people have the free will and choice to decide for themselves.

Because of this, the United States (which I believe is the closest example yet of a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles) made clear that human governance was to respect the God-given rights of its citizens to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Photo by Sharefaith on Pexels.com

These rights came from God, not from the government.

(You’ll notice that the “right to financial security,” “right to welfare” or the “right to escape poverty” is not on the original list.)

2. At Its Best, Human Governance Should Not Contradict Christian Principles. But Neither Should They Force Them On Non-Christians (or Christians).

So far we’ve established that Christian principles, or Christianity, and human governance aren’t the same things.

Now we can take a closer look at what government stances on “feeding the poor,” “following Jesus,” “giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s,” and “turning the other cheek” should be.

For example, Christians all agree we should follow Jesus.

But very few Christians today believe that politicians or governments should mandate forced conversions to Christianity, or penalize people for not believing in Christianity.

(I have yet to meet a single Christian who believes that.)

Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on Pexels.com

Likewise, Christians agree we should give to Caesar what is Caesar’s by paying taxes and not resist persecution because of our faith (turning the other cheek).

And yes, we should do our best to feed and care for the poor – while many Christians also believe that poverty will not be eliminated entirely from earth until Jesus returns.

(“You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.” Matthew 26:11, NLT)

But now, think seriously for a moment about the government’s role in all of this.

What would we think of a government who forces us to pay taxes that are exorbitant?

(The Boston Tea Party comes to mind. Do Christians today believe the American colonists were un-Christian in their response to British tyranny?)

What would we think of a government that forces citizens to “turn the other cheek” when certain corruption in the government is uncovered, or social injustices go unpunished?

Finally, what would we think of a government who steals from the rich to pay for the poor…and eventually makes all of its citizens poor while enriching themselves through wealth redistribution and other such policies?

(I’m not saying that socialism “steals from the rich to pay for the poor,” though that can be a natural extension of socialist policies. If you want to learn more, I encourage you to read Dinesh D’Souza’s book, “The United States of Socialism.” Even if you end up disagreeing with his conclusions, I hope to hear a reasoned, logical explanation as to why.)

3. Does Socialism Really “Feed The Poor”?

So far I’ve outlined why human government policies should not always enforce Christian principles, simply because all people should be free to choose whether or not they want to be Christian, or live like Christians.

Photo by sergio omassi on Pexels.com

However, you may be thinking at this point, what’s so wrong about feeding the poor?

Shouldn’t that be something the government aspires to – not necessarily because it’s a Christian ideal, but because we should want to help people in poverty?

I agree, and here’s why outcomes are so important.

Just like Jesus said, we can discern who are “false prophets” who come as wolves disguised in sheep clothing, by checking the “fruit” they produce (Matthew 7:15-20).

So, what has the fruit of socialism produced? Has it really fed the poor?

It has been tried in every continent, across decades of human experience, from Venezuela to India and China, Madagascar to Germany and Russia, and many more.

(Many of these were under governments that did not endorse Christianity, or even actively persecuted Christians.)

These countries haven’t eliminated poverty.

In fact, many of them – most recently, Venezuela – saw a drastic increase in poverty since implementing socialist policies.

(If you’re interested in exploring this more, I highly recommend economist Thomas Sowell’s work on this. One recent example: Socialism for the Uninformed.)

In Closing…

As a Christian, I can and should care for the poor. But I stand against socialism and its premise that wealth should be redistributed by the government. I don’t see that position expounded anywhere in the Bible.

One clear role of government, as defined by Scripture, is to punish wrongdoers (Romans 13:4). But having wealth in and of itself is not doing wrong.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

(Abraham, David, and Solomon were all wealthy people of God at one point – and Deuteronomy 8:18 says it is God Himself who gives us the power to gain wealth.)

Feel free to point out chapter and verse supporting your stance on socialism, and I’ll happily consider it – it’s possible I missed something!

Christians can, and should, give generously to charities and nonprofits of their own free will. But neither should they be required or forced to give up their wealth to others.

Because ultimately, the responsibility of caring for my neighbor and feeding the poor doesn’t rest with the government…it rests with me.

That’s actually a very sobering thought, and a weighty responsibility.

A responsibility that I’ll need to account for, in the presence of my risen Lord and Savior…

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Kathy Barnette’s book: ‘Nothing To Lose, Everything To Gain’

I just finished reading “Nothing To Lose, Everything To Gain” by Kathy Barnette – someone I had never heard of until recently, I’m embarrassed to admit.

All I can say is…

Indescribable. Unbelievable. A game-changer! Maybe even a life-changer!

Books, to me, are like conversations. A few you can remember for the rest of your life, but most of the time conversations are relatively superficial – “How are you doing?” “What’s new?” etc., etc.

Well, THIS book was different. It’s been hours after I finished reading, yet the impact from reading it is still reverberating inside me.

What do we ‘expect’?

This book helped spell out a vague unease, a sense of dread that I’ve been feeling recently … our America is changing, and not necessarily for the better.

I say “our” America. That’s important, because America doesn’t belong to one race, or one ethnic group, or one group of people at any one particular time.

Everyone, you have to read this book.

Even if you don’t agree with everything Kathy has to say. In fact, especially if you don’t agree. I don’t care what skin color or political opinions you have.

Kathy is touching on universal truths here, on the common denominator every one of us has – we are all human.

And if you don’t agree, at least explain to me (in terms I can understand) why you disagree. And please, endeavor to do so with respect and humility.

My goal is to enter every conversation knowing that the person I’m talking to is a wonderful, glorious, unique human being, who has graced me with a few minutes of their precious time.

I expect nothing less from you.

And speaking of expectations, Kathy powerfully draws on her experience meeting with a political opponent (see chapter nine) who says,

“Black people don’t expect much.”

At first blush, the statement seems preposterous. It’s stereotyping. How dare he say something so negative, so … ?

And yet, as Kathy reflects,

“Yet I suspect we each know there’s some truth in this man’s statement. My Jewish friend hit a sore spot. He wasn’t rude. He wasn’t condescending. He was blunt.

Black people don’t expect much, which is not to be confused with wanting much. We want a great deal. But because we don’t expect much or demand much or believe we deserve much better, politicians and powerbrokers don’t do much to help our crumbling communities – offering only their verbal promises and assurances to keep our votes in the column.”


This is only one of many micro-revelations this book drops throughout its pages … like mini bombs embedded in every paragraph.

Which is why I (again) encourage everyone to read it.

Racism, Black Lives Matter, and more

Much of what Kathy writes is hard to read, especially her deep dives into racism, slavery and the wounds it has inflicted upon our nation and history.

I found myself tearing up a number of times, especially as she describes the horrors of injustice done to her family.

In the introduction, she bravely reveals: “I’m the by-product of a rape.”

And yet, she ultimately sees herself as a victor, not a victim. From growing up on an impoverished farm in southern Alabama, Kathy has overcome incredible odds by going on to higher education, serving in the Armed Forces Reserves, becoming an adjunct professor of corporate finance, and now homeschooling her children.

(Almost forgot to mention she’s currently running for Congress.)


As a mom to two beautiful, multiracial children who have a strong dose of melanin, I’m acutely aware of the horror that is racism. I fear for my children and what they may face just because of their skin color. Nothing can justify it.

Kathy doesn’t shy away from racism, but tackles it head on. And the conclusions she draws are shattering … and stunning.

When I, a black woman, stand and decry the unacceptable behavior of another as racism, I want people to take notice. I want to be heard. I want to elicit a response from my fellow Americans that causes them to come along side me and say, ‘Never again!’

But with white liberals overusing the word to influence elections because they can’t effectively argue the merit of an issue is weakening a very powerful tool to push back against real acts of racism. (emphasis mine)…

We primarily see white liberals explain almost every single issue we are contending with in this nation through the prism of racism, and thus they’re cheapening the word in the process. …

We, as a nation, are all growing tired of the overuse or misuse of the word. It’s losing its potency and relevance in our nation.”

Kathy also talks about Black Lives Matter. From her perspective, they are missing the “real plight threatening to destroy the black community.”

Where are the marches to combat the devastating effects of the high fatherless rate that’s ravishing black communities – seven out of ten black children growing up fatherless?

Where are the riots in the street for illegal immigrants moving into already at-risk communities, sucking up limited resources, receiving more favorable treatment under the law than the black citizens who live there, and stirring up even more violence?

But what about police brutality?

Here are the facts. According to the 2018 FBI Uniform Crime Report, the total number of black deaths by homicide were 7,407. Of that number, 229 blacks were fatally shot by the police. That’s roughly 3 percent of black homicides being attributed to police shooting.

But, wait – there’s more. Out of the 229 blacks who were fatally shot by a police officer in 2018, only eighteen were unarmed. The eighteen do not distringuish between those who violently resisted arrest and those who did not. So now we’re talking about 0.002 percent, not 100 percent, not even 3 percent.

If the narrative is that on every street corner a police officer is standing there waiting to shoot a black man, the facts just don’t support that story line. (emphasis mine)

Wounds from a friend

Reading Kathy’s book reminded me of Proverbs 27:6 (NLT) – “Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.”

As a culture, we seem to have an increasing aversion to wounds of any kind. I mean, nobody likes to be wounded.

But we have lost the collective wisdom to prefer wounds, from a “sincere friend” who wants our best, rather than kisses from “an enemy” who ultimately wants to hurt us.

Kathy outlines how a culture of poverty has left many people settling for the “kisses” of a complicit, agenda-driven political policy that has us trading our individual freedoms for the fake promise of a better (in what way, exactly?) future.

I’ve watched from a front row seat as these misbegotten liberal policies have been introduced to and perfected in many black communities. These policies have decimated neighborhoods, destabilized the family structure, slaughtered whole generations and victimized those left standing.

What we’re witnessing in the black community today is a dire warning shot across the bow of America’s future. … If we don’t heed this warning shot, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the legacy we leave our children and grandchildren. …

As a harbinger of things to come, these failed liberal policies, though first perfected in the black community, are now spilling over into the larger American community. And sadly, I predict the results will be the same on a national scale. Failed policies, failed promises, and failed “progress.”

This may hurt, as Kathy is brutally honest in her book and raises many uncomfortable issues.

Just think of her as your sincere friend who is helping you become a better person!

Ultimately, wounds from a friend are to be treasured, not avoided. They are meant for your good. And what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.

There is so much more I could say, but … you can read it all for yourself in the book!

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‘Infidel’ movie review: Wow!

I watched Cyrus Nowrasteh’s ‘Infidel‘ movie this weekend and highly recommend!

When I first heard about this movie, I was startled – shocked even – to think it was coming out.

It dealt with all sorts of bizarre and uncomfortable topics: terrorism, persecution, corruption and injustice at the highest levels of government and society.

The story begins with a high-profile Christian blogger, Doug (Jim Caviezel), who is captured in Egypt and later imprisoned in Iran. His crime? “Proselytizing” on a live TV show by stating his belief that Jesus is God.

His wife (Claudia Karvan) embarks on a desperate attempt to see him even as he is kept hostage as a political prisoner, accused of spying, and sentenced to death in a kangaroo court.

Forever changed

The movie also came with an R rating, which in all honesty isn’t my usual cup of tea. I shudder at horror movies and cringe at violent scenes and imagery.

While I was glad to see a movie bringing attention to persecution in the church, I didn’t think I wanted to see it up close.

But I got to thinking…

…When Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” came out (interestingly enough, Jim Caviezel starred in that too), I saw that movie. Even now I’m still not sure that I’ve recovered from watching it.

But in a sense, I don’t want to recover from watching it.

To see the bloody and inhumane torture inflicted upon one man, to understand a little more fully the suffering my Savior endured, to experience the anguish face on, made a huge impact on me.

I left that theater after watching “Passion” feeling like I had changed, somehow, from my earlier self.

The same thing happened to me this weekend after watching “Infidel.”

I had a new, deeper appreciation for the persecuted church in Iran.

I reveled in the hauntingly beautiful sights and sounds of the Middle East (the dancing, food and music scenes are amazing!).

I ached for the misery and heartbreak that real people are suffering, under a brutal regime that cares nothing for civil liberties, women’s rights, or due process of law.

I also loved that the movie took care to address all these issues at the human level – never stooping to stereotypes, but keeping even its would-be villains (and heroes) human and complex.

For example, one of the most sympathetic characters is a Muslim prison guard who brings a message from Doug’s wife to Doug in prison. It’s a move that clearly threatens the guard’s job (and life!), yet something he does from simple compassion and kindness.

In one scene Claudia meets the underground church in Iran – a women-led movement, interestingly enough – and receives a small piece of paper where she can write a secret message to Doug.

That scene choked me up. The acting is so personal, the cinematography so delicate, that you can almost feel her simultaneous hope and despair.

On one hand, she is powerless to effect any immediate change for her husband. And yet, that small note of paper is her only link to him. And she has to write something – right now! – in the presence of everyone watching.

Further reading & action

If there is anything to take away from this movie, I really believe the ongoing persecution of people because of their faith needs to be front and center.

This should not be a partisan or political issue. Other people from religions outside Christianity are targeted, too, like the Iranian Jews mentioned in the movie.

Here’s just a smattering of news I could find after searching online:

Fellow Christians can also connect with ministries such as Open Doors for more info and how we can help pray for, and support, our brothers and sisters around the world.

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Why I immigrated to the United States (hint: it’s not racism)

As July 4 nears, I’m reminded afresh by how perspectives that I thought were “universal” or understood by almost everyone cannot be taken for granted anymore.

Consider, for example, this sentiment on reddit:

Obviously as an American I will be posting under the All Countries Matter hashtag, because it would be terrible to limit ourselves to supporting one country when many countries have issues and all countries need support and love.

Wait, what?

Of course All Countries Matter, because every country has a number of precious, infinitely valuable human lives in them.

However, there is no way I would choose to immigrate to North Korea right now. Or China. Or a number of other countries.

(I can single those two out – North Korea and China – without being racist because I’m of Asian heritage.)


Because only in the United States is there a Constitution upholding … well, a number of things, including the freedoms of free speech, religion, peaceable assembly, and the press.

Only in the United States is a nation founded by choice on a Judeo-Christian heritage that resonates with my faith and belief in Jesus Christ (of Jewish descent!) as my Lord and Savior.

Just a few snippets from this nation’s founders and leaders that many non-Christians would like to bury in forgotten history:

In the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior. The Declaration of Independence laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity. -John Quincy Adams, 6th U.S. President

The great, vital, and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and the divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. -Charles Carroll, signer of the Declaration of Independence

[Governments] could not give the rights essential to happiness… We claim them from a higher source: from the King of kings, and Lord of all the earth. – John Dickinson, signer of the Constitution

There are many more quotes that I encourage everyone to research here.

Our country’s ‘issues’

So then, am I saying that the United States has always, under every circumstance and with every leader, lived up to the lofty ideals enshrined in its Declaration of Independence and Constitution?

Of course not.

We know all too well the tragic times in U.S. history when people were not treated with equality under the law, when slavery was excused as someone’s “right” to own property, when Native Americans were forced to leave their own homes and worse, murdered in cold blood as they tried to resist.

And yet, I can also think of numerous injustices and tragedies committed in cold blood in many other countries and civilizations around the world – even to this day.

Consider, for example, China’s recent security law on Hong Kong dissidents and mass sterilization campaigns against Muslim minorities (which this report suggests is tantamount to genocide).

Yes, many countries have issues (though I’d rather have some issues like “let’s debate our current healthcare systems” vs. “I can’t even peacefully and respectfully disagree with my leaders for fear of being killed!”).

Yes, all countries need support and love.

But what happens when countries like China refuse all the support and love we try to give them?

Should we just turn a blind eye and let them torture and murder people in “re-education camps”?

For all America’s flaws and failings, it holds itself to a higher moral standard in its process and laws.

For that it should be praised and honored, not belittled because it has fallen short, at times, of that standard.

I recently came across this video where Joel Patrick (around the 1:18 mark) proudly says the United States is the greatest country in the world.

“Name one country where it’s better to be a person of color than America,” he says.

If you can think of one country, please leave it in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

American by choice, not heritage

The recent spasm of statue-toppling in the news inspired me to write this blog post. Not everyone agrees with toppling statues – and I think Dinesh D’Souza, a fellow immigrant, gives a reasoned and insightful explanation as to why:

Fellow Americans – and I’m only American because I immigrated here, not because I was born here – can I begin to describe what a beautiful, priceless gift you’ve been given?

To live in a place that many outsiders, including non-citizens and refugees from political and religious persecution, look to as a “shining city upon a hill”? (I knew of Ronald Reagan’s speech before I ever got here!)

I am part European, part Asian by racial and cultural heritage. I could not help being those things – I was born that way. Nor do I wish to change those things, even if I could.

However, I became American by choice. And I remain grateful for all the sacrifices my parents, and this nation’s inhabitants, made in order for me to have that choice to immigrate and live here.

And that will always be cause for me to celebrate – not just on the Fourth of July, but every day I am here on this earth.

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What a swing taught me about parenting

childhood swingRecently I was out at a playground with my kiddos and in a less-than-stellar mood. (To update everyone – I now have two little children and have rather neglected this blog of late. Apologies!)

While they were playing on the slides, on a whim I went and sat down on a swing … remembering the days when I used to pump my legs to get higher, alternatively soaring and sinking, and feeling like I could fly.

Almost immediately my children came running, giggling, delighted to see me on the swing. “Push Mommy! My turn! Let me push Mommy!”

At first I protested, anxious that they would get hit or hurt somehow if I swung too hard or heavily against them. Then again, I was also feeling hugely self-conscious … who ever heard of a grown woman swinging like crazy at a playground?

But eventually, they were so thrilled to be actually pushing me that I relented. Reluctantly, I said that ok, they could push me. And they took turns.

They were so diligent in pushing me! If only they took as much delight in doing their daily chores as they did in giving me a push on the swings!

The more they pushed, the happier they became. Maybe they just loved the feeling of being useful, and helpful, and kind to Mommy.

And the more they pushed, the happier became, too … until all the feelings of self-consciousness fell away and I really didn’t care who saw me! I was having so much fun!

I was playing like a child again!

It was only later that I pondered the whole thing. What was so significant to me about that short time of swinging back and forth, up and down, and laughing with my kiddos?

For that one brief moment, we were all having fun together. And their pushing me made them soooo happy, happier than I ever expected.

It was as if they were longing to give back, to repay some of those countless moments when I had pushed them as a dutiful mom. To be pushed, now, by my children made all those moments worth it. In fact, more than worth it.

At that moment, it was like God’s Spirit was whispering to me. What if all our “doing” – all the good works and things we can do as Christians, the duties and responsibilities of our daily lives – were done in the same spirit as my children, joyfully giving Mommy a push?

Since God has poured out so much love and grace upon us, isn’t the least we can do to give Him a “push” back … for God to share a moment with us on the swings of life?

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40, NIV

Whenever I take time to do something for my children out of love for them, am I doing it for Jesus?

If I had this mindset every moment of every day, what would my life look like?

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injustice and brokenness

Stumbled across this blog post the other day … felt compelled to share! 🙂 Thanks for writing!

she is salt & light

Injustice. What can we say about injustice? Injustice leaves bitterness in our hearts. A taste of rot in our mouths. It plants seeds of outrage that root deep in hidden parts of our minds and our hearts.

Wrongdoings have the power to make us feel as though we will inwardly explode from the burning, venomous ache for correction and justice to be served.

From that person who cut you off in traffic to the coworker who told a lie and cost you your job, we thirst for consequences that identify, crush and punish wrongs in ways that feel adequate to us.

It’s so natural. To want injustice obliterated. All wrongs made right. It’s also biblical.

tragedy: a universal language

Regardless of what you believe, most of us would agree our world is in bondage of some type of brokenness.

Even more of us can vouch for this brokenness firsthand.

It has so many…

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An intruder in our home

We recently watched one of the TEDx Talks about Logan LaPlante, a then 13-year-old boy who does “hackschooling” and how that makes him happy. It led to an interesting discussion about how we want our baby daughter to grow up.

One other thing mentioned in the video, though, was Logan’s interaction with nature. He spends “one day a week outside all day.” In today’s supercharged, super-connected world, isn’t that interesting to think about?

Both my husband and I have lived in city-like surroundings for much of our lives. Drastically different surroundings, for sure – one was in Africa and the other in America – but it’s been a long time since we spent a day a week outside all day. Maybe a few minutes on a walk … maybe several hours in a car … but not often just alone, by ourselves, with nothing between us and the great outdoors.

So we’ve begun trying to introduce our daughter more to nature. It could be a morning walk, an afternoon look at flowers and trees, etc.

One afternoon my husband came in from the garage all excited. “Come with me!” he cried, scooping our baby into his arms. “You have to see these baby rabbits!” Continue reading

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The inherent power of faithfulness

silver ring

“… who is mighty as you are, O Lordwith your faithfulness all around you?” (Psalm 89:8 ESV, emphasis mine)

All too often, we think of faithfulness as weakness.

Someone stays in a dead-end job or abusive relationship because they think it’s all they’ve got, or they’re afraid of what may happen if they leave.

In other words, faithfulness becomes a euphemism for resignation. We think we have no other options.

Alternatively, we may think that perhaps we do have other options, but they’re even worse than our present position. “Better the devil you know …”

What about the other side of the spectrum, the people who do have power and have “made it” to the top of their professions or industries? Continue reading

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Guest post on Money-Saving Mom published

I’m on cloud nine at the moment! Crystal Paine of Money-Saving Mom fame, one of my favorite bloggers, has published my guest post, “8 Ways to Save Money on Your First Child.”

Please drop by and leave a comment or two. It’s been so neat to see all the feedback already. And be sure to subscribe to her updates if you’re a fanatic about saving money, like me. 🙂

Thanks so much, Crystal!

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How to practice ‘Baby-Led Weaning’

Baby-led weaning meal

A baby-led weaning dish in our household (when she was 6-9 months): salmon, celery and green beans!

If you’re the parent of young ‘uns and have heard of baby-led weaning (or don’t even know what that means, but it sounds interesting), I heartily recommend it. I only heard about it after my baby was born and managed to do some lightning research on it before she reached the weaning stage, and I’m so glad I did.

Now the baby is a year old – goodness me, how time has flown – and she’s a full-fledged BLW aficionado. She picks up tiny peas and quinoa grains between thumb and index finger, and joyfully wields spoons and other utensils.

At the core of the BLW approach is the idea that the baby knows how to wean gradually from milk to solid foods and that the parents should follow the baby’s lead, rather than vice versa. No purees and spoon-feeding, but just offer your baby appropriate portions of the same healthy food that you’re eating as parents, and the baby will do the rest. Continue reading

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